NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PALIATIVE CARE – Poiana Braşov, 18-20 October 2018
Tertiary care is part of the palliative care provided during the last days of life, when it becomes obvious that the patient has only to live for hours or days. It continues to be a challenge, both for the medical staff, especially for the families facing the imminent loss of the nearest one. Beyond the terminal care protocols that include specific, standardized application procedures, the associated emotional component can be more difficult to manage.
The aim of the workshop is to present specifically the Western approaches to the country’s medical approaches to end-to-end care – in the infant unit, in the hospice and hospital unit at home, integrating the emotional aspects of the family-patient partnership – medical team.
Objectives: to update the terminal phase protocol in different locations and reevaluate the emotional component.
Material and method – the experience of the Department of Palliative Care of the Pediatric Clinic Louis Ţurcanu, the application of protocols and ways of managing the terminal status in an adult in the Hospice Timişoara and the OncohelpTimişoara Association, describe some aspects deriving from the Organizing Regulations and functioning of palliative care services as regards the relationship with the local community.
We will have free discussions, we will polemize, exchange experience and opinions, perform interactive exercises, express our own emotions.
Conclusions – Terminal care remains a dominant part of Palliative Care. Based on protocols, managing cases is competent, professional, but fear, uncertainty, soul distress, anxiety caused by the proximity of death, the great unknown, or feelings of acceptance and comfort, because death, although it destroys us physically, makes sense to our lives.
Dr. EsteraBoeriu – Emergency Clinical Emergency Hospital for Children Louis Turcanu Timisoara, Dr. Dana Nagy – Oncohelp Center Timisoara, Dr. MirceaŞerpe – Lugoj Municipal Hospital – Palliative Care Compartment, Dr. OvidiuMăruşteri – Hospice Timişoara